Additionally, get health regeneration consumables as the mage monsters can be powerful enough to wipe you out quickly. Make sure to always bring enough ammo for this because you can easily run out. Along with that, the monsters grant you a good amount of experience points which makes it a good method to grind levels as well. All these are great loot that will allow you drastically improve your character. When you’re there all you have to do is walk over the tiles in a random order (DO NOT UNLOCK THE PUZZLE DOORS) which will spawn a set number of enemies (mostly 4-6) which can drop Scrap, Lumenite Crystals, Forged Iron and Galvanized Iron. In order for this strat to work, you’ll need to gain access to the Rhom realm which has the Monolith area with puzzle tiles on the floor (second or third area)– you can get to it quickly by using the checkpoint. Infinite Monster Spawn - Easy Materials and XP Farm